RFM Model

Leveraging on simple data wrangling techniques to create a RFM model. Subsequently, leveraging on unsupervised classification to conduct customer segmentation for targeted marketing.


Ong Zhi Rong Jordan


June 25, 2022


The RFM model has become essential for businesses to identify high value customers and possible churn customers to conduct targeted marketing. Businesses have leverage RFM model to better understand customer behaviours and also calculate Customer Life Time Value (LTV). This could also translate to better budgeting for marketing cost using the (3:1) ratio of LTV:CAC. In this article, I will demonstrate how we can leverage on existing libraries to conduct unsupervised classification and lastly potential future works to enhance the model.



For this analysis, we will use the following packages from CRAN.

cluster - Methods for Cluster analysis. Much extended the original from Peter Rousseeuw, Anja Struyf and Mia Hubert, based on Kaufman and Rousseeuw (1990) “Finding Groups in Data”.
tidyverse - Loading the core tidyverse packages which will be used for data wrangling and visualisation.
factoextra - Extract and Visualize the Results of Multivariate Data Analyses. GGally Extension of ggplot2 by adding several functions to reduce the complexity of combining geometric objects with transformed data.

pacman::p_load(cluster, tidyverse, factoextra,lubridate,patchwork, GGally, moments,bestNormalize) #refer to 1st post to understand the usage of pacman
package 'estimability' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'ellipse' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'emmeans' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'flashClust' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'leaps' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'scatterplot3d' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'FactoMineR' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'factoextra' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

The downloaded binary packages are in
package 'GGally' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

The downloaded binary packages are in
package 'lamW' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'rngtools' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'lobstr' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'LambertW' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'nortest' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'doRNG' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'butcher' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
package 'bestNormalize' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

The downloaded binary packages are in

Data Set

  • We will use a customer data set that consist of 6 columns.
    • Customer_ID: Identification of Customer
    • CategoryGroup: Category group of the item purchased
    • Category: Category of the item purchased
    • InvoiceDate: The date of purchased
    • Quantity: The number of items purchased
    • TotalPrice: The total amount spend on that item

Data Wrangling

customer <- readRDS("data/customer.rds")

Let’s examine the data!

From the summary, we can identify a few potential problems!

  • Customer_ID is in numeric not character. # I prefer IDs to be in character form since it is for representation of customer instead of number of customers.
  • InvoiceDate is not in date time format!
  • TotalPrice is not in numeric (the symbol was attached to the number)
summary (customer)
  Customer_ID    CategoryGroup        Category         InvoiceDate       
 Min.   :12348   Length:395888      Length:395888      Length:395888     
 1st Qu.:14132   Class :character   Class :character   Class :character  
 Median :15535   Mode  :character   Mode  :character   Mode  :character  
 Mean   :15462                                                           
 3rd Qu.:16841                                                           
 Max.   :18287                                                           
    Quantity        TotalPrice       
 Min.   :   1.00   Length:395888     
 1st Qu.:   2.00   Class :character  
 Median :   4.00   Mode  :character  
 Mean   :   8.29                     
 3rd Qu.:  12.00                     
 Max.   :1500.00                     
[1] "£8" "£2" "£1" "£3" "£3" "£5"

Change of data class

For the date time format, we will leverage on lubridate functions to convert our exisiting date to date time format. Since the format is Month/Day/Year, we will use the function mdy. For TotalPrice, there are two symbols found, £ and ,. We will use the gsub function and replace all symbols to an empty space. Lastly, using as.numeric to convert it to a numeric class. For CustomerID, simply use as.character to convert it to character class.

customer$InvoiceDate <- mdy(customer$InvoiceDate)
customer$TotalPrice <- as.numeric(gsub("[£]|[,]","",customer$TotalPrice, perl=TRUE))
customer$Customer_ID <- as.character(customer$Customer_ID)

Extracting Recency, Frequency and Monetary


To extract how recent the customer purchase an item from the store, we will use the last InvoiceDate to substract all the dates a customer purchase from the store and retrieve the minimum number. Since the format of Recency will be in datetime format, we will convert it using the as.numeric function.

customer_recency <- customer %>%
  mutate(recency = (max(InvoiceDate) + 1) - InvoiceDate) %>%
  group_by(Customer_ID) %>%
  summarise (Recency = as.numeric(min(recency)))


To extract how frequent the customer purchase an item from the store, we will use the n() function to find out how many different dates the customer visited the store.

customer_frequency <- customer %>%
  group_by(Customer_ID,InvoiceDate) %>%
  summarise (count = n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  group_by (Customer_ID) %>%
  summarise (Frequency = n()) %>%
customer_monetary <- customer %>%
  group_by(Customer_ID) %>%
  summarise (Monetary = sum(TotalPrice))
customer_RFM <- customer_recency %>%
  left_join (customer_frequency, by = "Customer_ID") %>%
  left_join (customer_monetary, by = "Customer_ID")

Examining the distribution of the RFM model

# Histogram overlaid with kernel density curve
rdplot <- ggplot(customer_RFM, aes(x=Recency)) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),      # Histogram with density instead of count on y-axis
                   colour="black", fill="white") +
    geom_density(alpha=.2, fill="#ff9285") + 
  ylab("Density") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(axis.title.y= element_text(angle=0), axis.ticks.x= element_blank(),
        axis.line= element_line(color= 'grey'))

fdplot <- ggplot(customer_RFM, aes(x=Frequency)) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),      # Histogram with density instead of count on y-axis
                   colour="black", fill="white") +
    geom_density(alpha=.2, fill="#906efa") + 
  ylab("Density") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(axis.title.y= element_text(angle=0), axis.ticks.x= element_blank(),
        axis.line= element_line(color= 'grey'))

mdplot <- ggplot(customer_RFM, aes(x=Monetary)) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),      # Histogram with density instead of count on y-axis
                   colour="black", fill="white") +
    geom_density(alpha=.2, fill="#d18500") + 
  ylab("Density") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(axis.title.y= element_text(angle=0), axis.ticks.x= element_blank(),
        axis.line= element_line(color= 'grey'))

rdplot + fdplot + mdplot

Through the skewness and the histogrm, we can conclude that the attributes does not conform to normal distribution. Since all three attributes does not conform to a normal distribution and K-means would perform better with a normal distributed data, we will conduct data transformation. Utilizing the bestNormalise library, we can identify which normalization techniques best suits each attributes based on their distribution.

[1] 0.7240294
[1] 3.781094
[1] 1.435198

We can

Best Normalizing transformation with 5010 Observations
 Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
 - arcsinh(x): 11.2249
 - Box-Cox: 7.8746
 - Center+scale: 27.8779
 - Exp(x): 22.7727
 - Log_b(x+a): 11.2725
 - orderNorm (ORQ): 1.1695
 - sqrt(x + a): 10.1741
 - Yeo-Johnson: 8.0219
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via CV with 10 folds and 5 repeats
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 5010 nonmissing obs and ties
 - 552 unique values 
 - Original quantiles:
  0%  25%  50%  75% 100% 
   1   32  121  382  676 
Best Normalizing transformation with 5010 Observations
 Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
 - arcsinh(x): 82.5826
 - Box-Cox: 83.172
 - Center+scale: 82.3083
 - Exp(x): 74.932
 - Log_b(x+a): 82.5978
 - orderNorm (ORQ): 82.2105
 - sqrt(x + a): 82.6232
 - Yeo-Johnson: 83.3307
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via CV with 10 folds and 5 repeats
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
Standardized exp(x) Transformation with 5010 nonmissing obs.:
 Relevant statistics:
 - mean (before standardization) = 2.741283e+28 
 - sd (before standardization) = 1.940317e+30 
Best Normalizing transformation with 5010 Observations
 Estimated Normality Statistics (Pearson P / df, lower => more normal):
 - arcsinh(x): 2.3416
 - Box-Cox: 1.8263
 - Center+scale: 20.5024
 - Log_b(x+a): 2.3412
 - orderNorm (ORQ): 1.199
 - sqrt(x + a): 5.5771
 - Yeo-Johnson: 1.815
Estimation method: Out-of-sample via CV with 10 folds and 5 repeats
Based off these, bestNormalize chose:
orderNorm Transformation with 5010 nonmissing obs and ties
 - 2312 unique values 
 - Original quantiles:
     0%     25%     50%     75%    100% 
   4.00  313.25  713.50 1555.00 5004.00 
customer_RFM_dt <- customer_RFM %>%
  select(Recency, Frequency, Monetary)

Recency <- orderNorm(customer_RFM_dt$Recency)
Frequency <- boxcox (customer_RFM_dt$Frequency)
Monetary <- orderNorm(customer_RFM_dt$Monetary)

customer_RFM_dt$Recency <- Recency$x.t
customer_RFM_dt$Frequency <- Frequency$x.t
customer_RFM_dt$Monetary <- Monetary$x.t

[1] 0.01507482
[1] 0.08897177
[1] 0.0006851529
# Histogram overlaid with kernel density curve
rdplot_dt <- ggplot(customer_RFM_dt, aes(x=Recency)) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),      # Histogram with density instead of count on y-axis
                   colour="black", fill="white") +
    geom_density(alpha=.2, fill="#ff9285") + 
  ylab("Density") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(axis.title.y= element_text(angle=0), axis.ticks.x= element_blank(),
        axis.line= element_line(color= 'grey'))

fdplot_dt <- ggplot(customer_RFM_dt, aes(x=Frequency)) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),      # Histogram with density instead of count on y-axis
                   colour="black", fill="white") +
    geom_density(alpha=.2, fill="#906efa") + 
  ylab("Density") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(axis.title.y= element_text(angle=0), axis.ticks.x= element_blank(),
        axis.line= element_line(color= 'grey'))

mdplot_dt <- ggplot(customer_RFM_dt, aes(x=Monetary)) + 
    geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..),      # Histogram with density instead of count on y-axis
                   colour="black", fill="white") +
    geom_density(alpha=.2, fill="#d18500") + 
  ylab("Density") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(axis.title.y= element_text(angle=0), axis.ticks.x= element_blank(),
        axis.line= element_line(color= 'grey'))

rdplot_dt + fdplot_dt + mdplot_dt

customer_RFM_cluster <- customer_RFM_dt %>%
  select(Recency, Frequency, Monetary)

K-means Clustering

To identify the optimal number of clusters using K means clustering, we will use the fviz_nbclust function and the silhouette and wss. Based on the silhouette score, the optimal cluster is 2 while the WSS score shows either 2 or 3. We will now explore both cluster size.


fviz_nbclust(customer_RFM_cluster, kmeans, method = "silhouette")

fviz_nbclust(customer_RFM_cluster, kmeans, method = "wss")

Insights from Cluster

km_cluster2 <- kmeans(customer_RFM_cluster, 
                     nstart = 25)

km_cluster3 <- kmeans(customer_RFM_cluster, 
                     nstart = 25)

customer_RFM$km_cluster2 <- as.character(km_cluster2$cluster)

customer_RFM$km_cluster3 <- as.character(km_cluster3$cluster)

From the table, we can identify that cluster 1 consist of customers on average made a purchase within 94 days, frequent the store 5 times and spend 1.7k. Whereas for cluster 2, the customers recency period on average is about 325 days, frequent on average 1 time and spend about $392. We can say that cluster 1 consist of our high value customers and cluster 2 consist of potential churn customers.

customer_RFM %>%
  group_by(km_cluster2) %>%
  summarise(mean_recency = mean(Recency),
            mean_frequency = mean(Frequency),
            mean_monetary = mean(Monetary),
            members = n()) 
# A tibble: 2 × 5
  km_cluster2 mean_recency mean_frequency mean_monetary members
  <chr>              <dbl>          <dbl>         <dbl>   <int>
1 1                   94.1           5.45         1774.    2595
2 2                  326.            1.39          393.    2415
customer_RFM %>%
  group_by(km_cluster3) %>%
  summarise(mean_recency = mean(Recency),
            mean_frequency = mean(Frequency),
            mean_monetary = mean(Monetary),
            members = n()) 
# A tibble: 3 × 5
  km_cluster3 mean_recency mean_frequency mean_monetary members
  <chr>              <dbl>          <dbl>         <dbl>   <int>
1 1                  364.            1.11          295.    1681
2 2                   54.6           7.32         2431.    1391
3 3                  177.            2.80          865.    1938

To better visualise the distribution of our customers based on their cluster, we will leverage on the ggparcoord to visualise the distribution using a parallel coordinates plot.

# Plot
    columns = 2:4, groupColumn = 5,
    showPoints = TRUE,
    title = "Parallel Coordinate Plot for the Customer Data",
    alphaLines = 0.3
    ) + 
    plot.title = element_text(size=10)
  )  + scale_color_brewer(palette = "Set2") + 