Regionalisation of Multivariate Water Point Attributes with Non-spatially Constrained and Spatially Constrained Clustering Methods

Understanding the difference between traditional clustering algorithm and spatially constrained clustering algorithm.


Ong Zhi Rong Jordan


December 7, 2022



A regionalization is a specific type of clustering whose goal is to combine data that are comparable in both their statistical characteristics and their geographic locations. Regionalization uses the same logic as conventional clustering approaches in this regard, but it additionally imposes a number of geographical restrictions. These restrictions frequently have to do with connectivity. It is not always necessary for connectedness to be true for all regions, and in some situations it makes sense to loosen connectivity or to impose alternative kinds of geographic restrictions.

For this post, we will examine Traditional Clustering Algorithm and Spatially Constrained Clustering Algorithm to identify its utility and limitations.


For this study, we will use the following packages from CRAN.

For Geographical Analysis and Visualisation the packages used are: 

  • sf - Support for simple features, a standardized way to encode spatial vector data. Binds to ‘GDAL’ for reading and writing data, to ‘GEOS’ for geometrical operations, and to ‘PROJ’ for projection conversions and datum transformations. Uses by default the ‘s2’ package for spherical geometry operations on ellipsoidal (long/lat) coordinates.

  • tmap - Thematic maps are geographical maps in which spatial data distributions are visualized. This package offers a flexible, layer-based, and easy to use approach to create thematic maps, such as choropleths and bubble maps.

  • spdep - A collection of functions to create spatial weights matrix objects from polygon ‘contiguities’, from point patterns by distance and tessellations, for summarizing these objects, and for permitting their use in spatial data analysis, including regional aggregation by minimum spanning tree; a collection of tests for spatial ‘autocorrelation’.

  • ClustGeo - Ward-like hierarchical clustering algorithm including spatial/geographical constraints.

  • rgdal - Provides bindings to the ‘Geospatial’ Data Abstraction Library (‘GDAL’) and access to projection/transformation operations from the ‘PROJ’ library.

  • rgeoda - For spatial data analysis based on libgeoda and GeoDa.

For Traditional Clustering Algorithm the packages used are: 

  • cluster - Provides bindings to the ‘Geospatial’ Data Abstraction Library (‘GDAL’) and access to projection/transformation operations from the ‘PROJ’ library.

  • factoextra - Extract and visualize the output of multivariate data analyses.

  • NbClust - Determining the Best Number of Clusters in a Data Set.

For Data Wrangling and Simple Visualisation the packages used are: 

  • patchwork - Combine separate ggplots into the same graphic.

  • tidyverse - Loading the core tidyverse packages which will be used for data wrangling and visualisation.

  • heatmaply - Cluster heatmap based on plotly.

  • corrplot - A graphical display of a correlation matrix, confidence interval.

  • psych - A general purpose toolbox for personality, psychometric theory and experimental psychology.

  • reshape2 - Flexibly restructure and aggregate data using just two functions: melt and ‘dcast’.

  • hrbrthemes - Provides typography-centric themes and theme components for ggplot2.

  • ggstatsplot - An extension of {ggplot2} package for creating graphics with details from statistical tests included in the information-rich plots themselves

Show the code
pacman::p_load(rgdal, spdep, tmap, sf, ClustGeo,rgeoda, 
               cluster, factoextra, NbClust,
               heatmaply, corrplot, psych, tidyverse,reshape2,hrbrthemes, GGally, ggstatsplot, patchwork)

Data Preparation

Two dataset will be used for this study:

  • Nigeria.shp: A shapefile of Nigeria from Humanitarian Data Exchange Portal that consist of all the Level-2 Administrative Boundary (also known as Local Government Area)
  • NigeriaAttribute.csv: A csv file containing multiple water point attributes of each Level-2 Administrative Nigeria Boundary from the WPdx Global Data Repositories

Importing of data

We will use the st_read to import the shape file and read_csv to import the aspatial data into the R environment.

Show the code
nigeria <- st_read(dsn = "data", 
                 layer = "geoBoundaries-NGA-ADM2")

nigeria_attribute <- read_csv("data/nigeriaattribute.csv")

nigeria <- nigeria %>%
  select(shapeName) %>%
  st_transform(crs = 26391)

Data Wrangling

The practice of correcting or deleting inaccurate, damaged, improperly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data from a dataset is known as data wrangling. There are numerous ways for data to be duplicated or incorrectly categorized when merging multiple data sources. We willl now proceed to ensure our data is cleaned before conducting our analysis.

Checking of duplicated area name

Firstly, we will order our dataframe by alphabetical order based on the shapeName. We will then use the duplicated function to retrieve all the shapeName that has duplicates and store it in a list. From the result below, we identified 12 shapeNames that are duplicates.

Show the code
nigeria <- (nigeria[order(nigeria$shapeName), ])

nigeria<- nigeria %>%
  mutate(shapeName = tolower(shapeName))

duplicate_area <- nigeria$shapeName[ nigeria$shapeName %in% nigeria$shapeName[duplicated(nigeria$shapeName)] ]

 [1] "bassa"    "bassa"    "ifelodun" "ifelodun" "irepodun" "irepodun"
 [7] "nasarawa" "nasarawa" "obi"      "obi"      "surulere" "surulere"

Next, we will leverage on the interactive viewer of tmap to check the location of each area. Through the use of Google, we are able to retrieve the actual name and state of the areas. The table below shows the index and the actual name of the area.

Index Actual Area Name
94 Bassa (Kogi)
95 Bassa (Plateau)
304 Ifelodun (Kwara)
305 Ifelodun (Osun)
355 Irepodun (Kwara)
356 Irepodun (Osun)
518 Nassarawa
546 Obi (Benue)
547 Obi(Nasarawa)
693 Surulere (lagos)
694 Surulere (Oyo)
Show the code

tm_shape(nigeria[nigeria$shapeName %in% duplicate_area,]) +
Show the code

We will now access the individual index of the nigeria data frame and change the value. Lastly, we use the length() function to ensure there is no more duplicated shapeName.

Show the code
nigeria$shapeName[c(94,95,304,305,355,356,519,546,547,693,694)] <- c("bassa kogi","bassa plateau",
                                                                               "ifelodun kwara","ifelodun osun",
                                                                               "irepodun kwara","irepodun osun",
                                                                               "nassarawa","obi benue","obi nasarawa",
                                                                               "surulere lagos","surulere oyo")

length((nigeria$shapeName[ nigeria$shapeName %in% nigeria$shapeName[duplicated(nigeria$shapeName)] ]))
[1] 0

Projection of sf dataframe

Since our aspatial data was imported to a tibble dataframe, we will need to convert it to an sf object. First, we rename the columns for ease of representation using the rename() function from dyplr. We then only retain the columns required for analysis such as the name of the latitude, longitude, status, water_tech_category, usage_capacity, is_urban and water_point_population

We realised there were NA values within the multiple columns, so we will replace the NA values with Unknown and 0 using the mutate() function.

We will then use the st_as_sf() function to convert the dataframe to an sf object. We will have to input the column that specify the longitude and latitude, and lastly, the CRS projection of the coordinates.

Show the code
nigeriaT <- nigeria_attribute  %>%
  rename ("status" = "#status_clean",
          "lat" = "#lat_deg",
          "long" = "#lon_deg",
          "water_tech" = "#water_tech_category") %>%
  select (status,lat,long,water_tech,usage_capacity,is_urban,water_point_population) %>%
  mutate(status = replace_na(status, "Unknown")) %>%
  mutate (water_tech = replace_na(water_tech, "Unknown")) %>%
  mutate(water_point_population = replace_na(water_point_population,0))

nigeriaT_sf <- st_as_sf(nigeriaT, coords = c("long", "lat"),  crs = 4326)

We will now transform the coordinates from 4326 to 26391 projection using the st_transform() function.

Show the code
nigeriaT_sf <- st_transform(nigeriaT_sf, crs = 26391)

st_crs (nigeria)
Coordinate Reference System:
  User input: EPSG:26391 
PROJCRS["Minna / Nigeria West Belt",
            ELLIPSOID["Clarke 1880 (RGS)",6378249.145,293.465,
    CONVERSION["Nigeria West Belt",
        METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",4,
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",4.5,
        PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.99975,
        PARAMETER["False easting",230738.26,
        PARAMETER["False northing",0,
        SCOPE["Engineering survey, topographic mapping."],
        AREA["Nigeria - onshore west of 6°30'E, onshore and offshore shelf."],
Show the code
st_crs (nigeriaT_sf)
Coordinate Reference System:
  User input: EPSG:26391 
PROJCRS["Minna / Nigeria West Belt",
            ELLIPSOID["Clarke 1880 (RGS)",6378249.145,293.465,
    CONVERSION["Nigeria West Belt",
        METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",4,
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",4.5,
        PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.99975,
        PARAMETER["False easting",230738.26,
        PARAMETER["False northing",0,
        SCOPE["Engineering survey, topographic mapping."],
        AREA["Nigeria - onshore west of 6°30'E, onshore and offshore shelf."],

Using the unique() function, we can identify how many variables are stored within the columns.

Show the code
unique (nigeriaT_sf$usage_capacity)
[1]  250 1000  300   50
Show the code
unique (nigeriaT_sf$water_tech)
[1] "Tapstand"        "Mechanized Pump" "Hand Pump"       "Unknown"        
[5] "Rope and Bucket"
Show the code
unique (nigeriaT_sf$status)
[1] "Unknown"                          "Functional"                      
[3] "Abandoned/Decommissioned"         "Non-Functional"                  
[5] "Functional but not in use"        "Functional but needs repair"     
[7] "Abandoned"                        "Non functional due to dry season"
[9] "Non-Functional due to dry season"

We will also use the st_join() function from the sf package to retrieve the shapeName from the polygon geometry based on the point geometry from the attribute file.

Show the code
nigeriaT_sf <- st_join(nigeriaT_sf,nigeria)

Visualising of distribution using ggplot

We will use the ggplot function to visualise the distribution of the different columns. To sort the distribution by descending order fct_infreq will be use.

Distribution of status
Show the code
ggplot(data= nigeriaT_sf, 
       aes(x= fct_infreq(status))) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = status), show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_text(stat = 'count',
           aes(label= paste0(stat(count), ', ', 
                             2), '%')), vjust= -0.5, size= 2.5) +
  labs(y= 'No. of\nOccurence', x= 'Status',
       title = "Distribution of Water Tap Status") +
  theme(axis.title.y= element_text(angle=0), axis.ticks.x= element_blank(),
        panel.background= element_blank(), axis.line= element_line(color= 'grey'),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5))

Distribution of Water Technology
Show the code
ggplot(data= nigeriaT_sf, 
       aes(x= fct_infreq(water_tech))) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = water_tech), show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_text(stat = 'count',
           aes(label= paste0(stat(count), ', ', 
                             2), '%')), vjust= -0.5, size= 2.5) +
  labs(y= 'No. of\nOccurence', x= 'Tap Technology',
       title = "Distribution of Water Tap Technology") +
  theme(axis.title.y= element_text(angle=0), axis.ticks.x= element_blank(),
        panel.background= element_blank(), axis.line= element_line(color= 'grey'),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5))

Distribution of Usage_Capacity

Since usage_capacity is in numeric, we will use the as.character() function to convert it into character class before plotting their distribution.

Show the code
ggplot(data= nigeriaT_sf, 
       aes(x= fct_infreq(as.character(usage_capacity)))) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = as.character(usage_capacity)), show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_text(stat = 'count',
           aes(label= paste0(stat(count), ', ', 
                             2), '%')), vjust= -0.5, size= 2.5) +
  labs(y= 'No. of\nOccurence', x= 'Tap Technology',
       title = "Distribution of Water Tap Technology") +
  theme(axis.title.y= element_text(angle=0), axis.ticks.x= element_blank(),
        panel.background= element_blank(), axis.line= element_line(color= 'grey'),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5))

Distribution of Rural Water Point
Show the code
ggplot(data= nigeriaT_sf, 
       aes(x= fct_infreq(as.character(is_urban)))) +
  geom_bar(aes(fill = as.character(is_urban)), show.legend = FALSE) +
  geom_text(stat = 'count',
           aes(label= paste0(stat(count), ', ', 
                             2), '%')), vjust= -0.5, size= 2.5) +
  labs(y= 'No. of\nOccurence', x= 'Urban Water Point?',
       title = "Distribution of Rural Water Point") +
  theme(axis.title.y= element_text(angle=0), axis.ticks.x= element_blank(),
        panel.background= element_blank(), axis.line= element_line(color= 'grey'),
        axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5))

Extracting Status of Water Point

Since this analysis is on the functionality of the water taps, we have to extract the number of functional and non-functional water taps from the nigeriaT_sf dataframe. The status column reveal the status of the water tap. We will now see what values are recorded by using the unique() function. From the result below, we can identify mainly four categories of statuses; Functional, Non-Functional, Abandoned, Unknown.

Note: For this analysis, abandoned water taps will be analysed under non-functional.

From the result below, we can identify a pattern to classify the status based on our criteria. By extracting the first word of the sentence before the punctuation, we will be able to extract the word; Unknown, Abandoned, Functional and Non. This will assist us in grouping these status.

Show the code
[1] "Unknown"                          "Functional"                      
[3] "Abandoned/Decommissioned"         "Non-Functional"                  
[5] "Functional but not in use"        "Functional but needs repair"     
[7] "Abandoned"                        "Non functional due to dry season"
[9] "Non-Functional due to dry season"

To replace the original values, we will use the gsub() function. A regular expression “([A-Za-z]+).*” is used to extract all letters and \\1 is used to back reference the first capturing group. The result below shows the unique values left within the column.

Show the code
nigeriaT_sf$status <- gsub("([A-Za-z]+).*", "\\1", nigeriaT_sf$status)
[1] "Unknown"    "Functional" "Abandoned"  "Non"       

Computing Ratio of Functional and Non Functional Water Point

Instead of creating another data frame to store the new values, we will leverage on the filter function by using the single square bracket “[]” operator. The coordinates beings with a row position and that will be used for our filtering condition. R Dataframe. Since our water taps are point data, we will use st_intersects() to retrieve every geometry point that intersect with the polygon of the Nigeria ADM area, and subsequently use the function lengths() to retrieve the number of points that intersects with the polygon.

Show the code
nigeria$pct_functional <- (lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf[nigeriaT_sf$status == "Functional",]))/lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf)))
nigeria$pct_nonfunctional <- (lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf[nigeriaT_sf$status == "Non",])) + lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf[nigeriaT_sf$status == "Abandoned",])))/(lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf)))

nigeria$functional <- lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf[nigeriaT_sf$status == "Functional",]))
nigeria$nonfunctional <- lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf[nigeriaT_sf$status == "Non",])) + lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf[nigeriaT_sf$status == "Abandoned",]))
nigeria$wp_total <- lengths(st_intersects(nigeria,nigeriaT_sf))

Computing Ratio of the Different Water Tap Technology

Similar to the way we compute the ratio of functional and non-functional water point, we will extract the percentage of the different water technology within each region. We will not compute the percentage of Rope and Bucket since there is only 1 observation and Unknown pump technology.

Show the code
nigeria$pct_mechpump <- (lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf[nigeriaT_sf$water_tech == "Mechanized Pump",])))/(lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf)))
nigeria$pct_handpump <- (lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf[nigeriaT_sf$water_tech == "Hand Pump",]))/lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf)))

Computing Ratio of the Water Point Utilisation Capacity

From the earlier result, we know that there is only 4 unique variables (50, 250, 300 and 1000). But these variables are currently saved as numeric object. Since we want to classify them as a unique identifier rather than a continuous variable, we will convert them to characters using the as.character() function. Lastly, from the distribution, 50 does not seem to have too many observations and therefore will be excluded from the analysis. 250 and 300 will also be combined to form an object of <1000 utilisation.

Show the code
nigeriaT_sf$usage_capacity <- as.character(nigeriaT_sf$usage_capacity )
nigeria$pct_1000M <- (lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf[nigeriaT_sf$usage_capacity == "1000",]))/lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf)))
nigeria$pct_1000L <- (lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf[nigeriaT_sf$usage_capacity == "300",])) + lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf[nigeriaT_sf$usage_capacity == "250",])))/(lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf))) 

Computing Ratio of Rural Water Point

To extract the ratio of Rural Water Point, we will retrieve the number of water point that is_urban == FALSE and divide by the total number of water point in that region.

Show the code
nigeria$pct_rural<- (lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf[nigeriaT_sf$is_urban == FALSE,]))/lengths(st_intersects(nigeria, nigeriaT_sf)))

Computing Average Percentage of Overused water points

Overused water point is calculated using the usage_capacity and the water_point_population. We will first compute the pecentage overused for each water point, subsequently, using the group_by and summarise function to retrieve the mean of the overuse percentage by region.

Show the code
overuse <- nigeriaT_sf %>%
  mutate (pct_overuse = (water_point_population/as.numeric(usage_capacity))*100) %>%
  group_by(shapeName) %>%
  summarise (avg_pct_overuse = mean(pct_overuse))  %>%
  st_drop_geometry() %>%

Next, we will use the left_join() function to join the nigeria dataframe with the overused data. For areas without any water taps, my assumption is that these areas do not need water taps for many possible reasons (lack of habitat, urbanised areas, etc), and therefore will be excluded from the analysis. I use the filter() function to remove areas without any water taps and mutate() function to create two new columns that shows the percentage of functional and non-functional water points over the total water point in the area. (Including unknown water point status)

Show the code
nigeria <- nigeria %>%
  left_join(overuse,by="shapeName") %>%
  filter (wp_total != 0) %>%

We will use the summary function to retrieve statistical information of each column.

Show the code
  shapeName         pct_functional   pct_nonfunctional   functional    
 Length:761         Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000    Min.   :  0.00  
 Class :character   1st Qu.:0.3333   1st Qu.:0.2211    1st Qu.: 18.00  
 Mode  :character   Median :0.4792   Median :0.3559    Median : 47.00  
                    Mean   :0.5070   Mean   :0.3654    Mean   : 68.51  
                    3rd Qu.:0.6749   3rd Qu.:0.5082    3rd Qu.: 88.00  
                    Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000    Max.   :752.00  
 nonfunctional     pct_mechpump     pct_handpump      pct_1000M     
 Min.   :  0.00   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000  
 1st Qu.: 14.00   1st Qu.:0.1250   1st Qu.:0.1860   1st Qu.:0.1250  
 Median : 34.00   Median :0.3193   Median :0.5255   Median :0.3193  
 Mean   : 42.31   Mean   :0.3818   Mean   :0.4956   Mean   :0.3818  
 3rd Qu.: 61.00   3rd Qu.:0.5843   3rd Qu.:0.7857   3rd Qu.:0.5843  
 Max.   :278.00   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000  
   pct_1000L        pct_rural      avg_pct_overuse            geometry  
 Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :0.0000   Min.   :    0.0   MULTIPOLYGON :761  
 1st Qu.:0.4157   1st Qu.:0.5922   1st Qu.:  182.7   epsg:26391   :  0  
 Median :0.6807   Median :0.8717   Median :  310.7   +proj=tmer...:  0  
 Mean   :0.6182   Mean   :0.7395   Mean   :  511.8                      
 3rd Qu.:0.8750   3rd Qu.:1.0000   3rd Qu.:  587.6                      
 Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :1.0000   Max.   :12064.4                      

Visualising Column Distribution

To visualise all the distribution easily, we will first use the melt() function from reshape2 to convert the data table to long format. Next, we will visualise the distribution using a density plot and facet_wrap by each variable. To remove the scientific notation from the axes, we will adjust the scale by inputting labels = scales::comma.

Show the code
nigeria_density_plot <- nigeria %>%
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
Show the code
ggplot(data = nigeria_density_plot, aes(x = value)) + 
  stat_density(fill = "steelblue", alpha = 0.6) + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::comma) +
  theme_classic() +
  facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free", ncol = 3)

From the distribution, we can identify the variables does not conform to Gaussian distribution and we should perform normalization or standardisation before proceeding with our analysis.

Variables Collinearity

When clustering variables are collinear, certain variables are given more weight than others. Two variables that are highly correlated indicate the same notion. However, because that notion is now represented twice in the data, it receives double the weight of all other variables. The ultimate solution is likely to be tilted toward that notion, which might be a problem if not foreseen. Therefore there is a need to check for Collinearity before conducting cluster analysis. We will use the cor() and corrplot.mixed function from the corrplot package to visualise and identify highly correlated variables.

Show the code
nigeria$functional <- as.numeric(nigeria$functional)
nigeria$nonfunctional <- as.numeric(nigeria$nonfunctional)

nigeria_var <- nigeria %>%

cluster_vars.cor = cor(nigeria_var[,2:11])
         lower = "ellipse", 
               upper = "number",
               tl.pos = "lt",
               diag = "l",
               tl.col = "black")

From the result above, we can identify 4 variables that are highly correlated. We will now choose to only retain 1 (pct_mechpump) for the analysis. We will create another dataframe to store all the variables required for the subsequent cluster analysis.

Show the code
nigeria <- nigeria %>%
  select(-pct_handpump, -pct_1000M, -pct_1000L)

nigeria_cluster_var <- nigeria %>%

Since the dataframe should only consist of variables used for the clustering, the shapeName should now be an identifier for each row. We will use the row.names() function to set the id for each row using their respective shapeName and remove the shapeName column from the dataframe.

Show the code
row.names(nigeria_cluster_var) <- nigeria_cluster_var$shapeName
nigeria_cluster_var <- select(nigeria_cluster_var, c(2:8))

Data Normalization

Larger variances between data points of input variables increases the model’s results’ uncertainty.

Machine learning models assign weights to input variables based on data points and output inferences. If the difference between the data points is large, the model will need to give the points more weight, and the model with a large weight value is generally unstable in the end. This implies that the model may produce bad results or perform poorly during training. Therefore, we will have to ensure our variables are scaled if we were to perform any distance-based algorithm such as K-means Clustering. To scale all the columns, we will use mutate_at() to select all the columns, and perform scaling through the scale() function.

Show the code
nigeria_cluster_var <- nigeria_cluster_var %>% 
  mutate_at(c(1:7), funs(c(scale(.))))

Conventional Clustering

Hierarchical Clustering

Hierarchical clustering, also known as hierarchical cluster analysis or HCA, is another unsupervised machine learning approach used to sort unlabeled datasets into clusters.

The dendrogram is a tree-shaped structure that we construct in this approach to develop the hierarchy of clusters.

The hierarchical clustering technique has two approaches:

  • Agglomerative: Agglomerative is a bottom-up approach, in which the algorithm starts with taking all data points as single clusters and merging them until one cluster is left.
  • Divisive: Divisive is a top-down approach, in which the algorithm start with all the data points as one cluster, and slowly seperate them until all data points becomes a single clusters.

Computing of Distance Matrix

We will now create the distance matrix using the dist() function. Since we have multiple dimensions to the data, we will use the Manhattan distance to compute the distance matrix instead of the standard Eucluidean distance.

Show the code
proxmat <- dist(nigeria_cluster_var, method = 'manhattan')

Computing Optimal Hierarchical Clustering Clustering Values

We will only use the Gap Statistic Method to determine the optimal cluster. The clusGap() function from the cluster package will be used to calculate the goodness of the clustering measure.

Show the code
gap_stat <- clusGap(nigeria_cluster_var, 
                    FUN = hcut, 
                    nstart = 25, 
                    K.max = 10, 
                    B = 50)
# Print the result
print(gap_stat, method = "firstmax")
Clustering Gap statistic ["clusGap"] from call:
clusGap(x = nigeria_cluster_var, FUNcluster = hcut, K.max = 10,     B = 50, nstart = 25)
B=50 simulated reference sets, k = 1..10; spaceH0="scaledPCA"
 --> Number of clusters (method 'firstmax'): 4
          logW   E.logW      gap      SE.sim
 [1,] 6.470009 7.545740 1.075731 0.007361406
 [2,] 6.361211 7.452901 1.091690 0.012434692
 [3,] 6.269918 7.390535 1.120617 0.012058076
 [4,] 6.185244 7.338807 1.153563 0.010242376
 [5,] 6.155719 7.294504 1.138785 0.010224412
 [6,] 6.106019 7.255521 1.149502 0.009719880
 [7,] 6.067774 7.220190 1.152416 0.009033557
 [8,] 6.027122 7.189133 1.162011 0.008551612
 [9,] 5.986136 7.161042 1.174906 0.008710675
[10,] 5.953721 7.135503 1.181781 0.009210229

We will use the fviz_gap_stat() function to visualise the gap statistics results.

Show the code

From the above plot, we can conclude that the optimal number of cluster for the Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm is 4.

Selecting of Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm

To compute the Hierarchical Cluster, we will use the hclust() function from R stats. The hclust() uses the Agglomerative approach to compute the cluster. There are 8 different clustering algorithm supported by the function: ward.D, ward.D2, single, complete, average(UPGMA), mcquitty(WPGMA), median(WPGMC) and centroid(UPGMC). To select the optimal algorithm, we will use the agnes() function from the cluster package.

Show the code
m <- c( "average", "single", "complete", "ward")
names(m) <- m

ac <- function(x) {
  agnes(nigeria_cluster_var, method = x)$ac

map_dbl(m, ac)
  average    single  complete      ward 
0.9564875 0.9246884 0.9633398 0.9831761 

From the above result, the ward algorithm will produce the optimal cluster coefficient and therefore will be use for this analysis.

Computing of Hierarchical Clustering and Dendrogram Visualisation

Using the hclust() function, we will compute the Hierarchical Cluster and visualise the clusters on a dendrogram using the rect.hclust() function. Based on the plot below, we can clearly identify 4 cluster but is unable to understand which area belongs to which cluster. We will subsequently use another visualisation method to visualise the output.

Show the code
h_clust_ward <- hclust(proxmat, method = 'ward.D')
plot(h_clust_ward, cex = 0.5)
            k = 4, 
            border = 2:5)

Summary of Hierarchical Cluster

We can conduct a quick summary of the cluster by binding the clusters to the nigeria dataframe using cbind(). To extract the 4 cluster, the cutree() function is used.

Show the code
groups <- as.factor(cutree(h_clust_ward, k=4))
nigeria <- cbind(nigeria, as.matrix(groups)) %>%
  rename(`HR_Cluster` = `as.matrix.groups.`)

The code chunk below generates a quick summary of the average values of all the variables within the cluster.

Show the code
nigeria %>%
  group_by(HR_Cluster) %>%
Simple feature collection with 4 features and 9 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 28879.72 ymin: 30292.37 xmax: 1342613 ymax: 1094244
Projected CRS: Minna / Nigeria West Belt
# A tibble: 4 × 10
  HR_Cluster shapeName pct_functional pct_nonfunctional functional nonfunctional
  <chr>          <dbl>          <dbl>             <dbl>      <dbl>         <dbl>
1 1                 NA          0.387             0.333       30.9          26.3
2 2                 NA          0.313             0.638       25.3          49.3
3 3                 NA          0.488             0.388       86.9          71.2
4 4                 NA          0.811             0.174      128.           29.0
# … with 4 more variables: pct_mechpump <dbl>, pct_rural <dbl>,
#   avg_pct_overuse <dbl>, geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [m]>

Visualisation of Hierarchical Cluster using tmap

Using the qtm() function, we plot the Nigeria map based on their designated cluster.

Show the code
qtm(nigeria, "HR_Cluster")

Visualisation of Hierarchical Cluster using Parallel Coordinates Plot

To better understand the distribution of values based on the different cluster, we will use the ggparcoord() function from the GGally package. The ggparcoord() visualisation provide different scaling methods to the variables such as: Min-Max(uniminmax), Z-Score (std) and many others. For our visualisation, we will be using the Z-score Normalization to visualise the distribution of data. The facet_grid() function is used to seperate the different clusters by their grids.

Show the code
    columns = 2:8,
    showPoints = TRUE, 
    title = "Parallel Coordinate Plot for the Nigeria Attributes using Hierarchical Clustering",
    groupColumn = "HR_Cluster",
    alphaLines = 0.3,
    boxplot = TRUE
    ) + 
  scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE) +
    plot.title = element_text(size=10),
    axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6)
  ) +

Interpretation of Hierarchical Clustering Results

Based on the parallel coordinates plot, we can infer that Cluster 2 should be an area of concern with a higher average of pct_nonfunctional compare to pct_functional. The next area of concern could be Cluster 1 with also a higher average of pct_nonfunctional than pct_functional complemented with a high average of pct_overuse. We will substantiate all the claims in the subsequent section.

K-Means Clustering

K-means clustering is a straightforward unsupervised learning approach for grouping issues. It employs a straightforward approach for categorizing a given data set into a specific number of clusters denoted by the letter “k.” The clusters are then positioned as points, and all observations or data points are associated with the nearest cluster, computed, modified, and the process is repeated until the desired result is obtained. K-Means clustering is also often known as a Partition Clustering Method. We will now analyse the difference between K-means and Hierarchical Clustering.

Computing Optimal K-Means Clustering Values

Similar to Hierarchical Clustering, we will use the clusGap() function to obtain the optimal cluster value.

Show the code
gap_stat <- clusGap(nigeria_cluster_var, FUN = kmeans, nstart = 25,
                    K.max = 12, B = 50)


From the above plot, we can conclude that the optimal number of cluster for the K-Means Clustering Algorithm is 4.

Computing of K-means Clustering

Using the kmeans() function, we will compute the k-means results.

Show the code
final_kmeans <- kmeans(nigeria_cluster_var, 4, nstart = 25)

Summary of K-means Cluster

We will then have a quick summary on the cluster by first binding the new cluster column to the Nigeria data frame, then the summarise_all function to display the average of each variables based on their cluster.

Show the code
nigeria <- nigeria %>%
  mutate(KM_Cluster = as.factor(final_kmeans$cluster))

The code chunk below generates a quick summary of the average values of all the variables within the cluster.

Show the code
nigeria %>%
  group_by(KM_Cluster) %>%
Simple feature collection with 4 features and 10 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 28879.72 ymin: 30292.37 xmax: 1342613 ymax: 1094244
Projected CRS: Minna / Nigeria West Belt
# A tibble: 4 × 11
  KM_Cluster shapeName pct_functional pct_nonfunctional functional nonfunctional
  <fct>          <dbl>          <dbl>             <dbl>      <dbl>         <dbl>
1 1                 NA          0.479             0.240       32.3          17.3
2 2                 NA          0.799             0.177      127.           26.7
3 3                 NA          0.443             0.435       89.8          83.1
4 4                 NA          0.340             0.551       19.9          29.9
# … with 5 more variables: pct_mechpump <dbl>, pct_rural <dbl>,
#   avg_pct_overuse <dbl>, HR_Cluster <dbl>, geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [m]>

Visualisation of K-means Cluster using tmap

Using the qtm() function, we plot the Nigeria map based on their designated K-means cluster.

Show the code
qtm(nigeria,fill = "KM_Cluster")

Visualisation of K-means Cluster using Parallel Coordinates Plot

We will now visualise the variables using the ggparcoord() function.

Show the code
    columns = 2:8,
    showPoints = TRUE, 
    title = "Parallel Coordinate Plot for the Nigeria Attributes",
    groupColumn = "KM_Cluster",
    alphaLines = 0.3,
    boxplot = TRUE
    ) + 
  scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE) +
    plot.title = element_text(size=10),
    axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6)
  ) +

Interpretation of K-Means Clustering Results

From the above results, we can infer that Cluster 3 and Cluster 4 are areas of concerns with a higher average of pct_nonfunctional compared to pct_functional. The most significant difference is that despite having a higher average of pct_overuse, Cluster 1 have a higher pct_functional compared to pct_nonfunctional.

Partitioning Around Medodoids (PAM) Clustering

In order to construct clusters, the PAM algorithm searches a data set for k representative objects (k medoids) and assigns each object to the closest medoid. Its goal is to minimize the sum of dissimilarities between objects in a cluster and the cluster’s center (medoid). It is regarded to be a more robust variant of k-means since it is less sensitive to outliers.

Computing Optimal PAM Clustering Clustering Values

Similar to K-means Clustering, we will use the clusGap() function to obtain the optimal cluster value.


PAM Clustering do not require the nstart component within the clusGap() function.

Show the code
gap_stat <- clusGap(nigeria_cluster_var, FUN = pam,
                    K.max = 12, B = 50)


From the above plot, we can conclude that the optimal number of cluster for the PAM Clustering Algorithm is 4.

Computing of PAM Clustering

Using the pam() function, we will compute the PAM results. Since we have identified earlier to use the manhattan distance instead of euclidean distance, the pam() function require an input on the distance metric using the metric variable. We will also use the manhattan distance metric to compute our PAM cluster.

Show the code
final_pam <- pam(nigeria_cluster_var, 4, metric = "manhattan")

Summary of PAM Cluster

We will then have a quick summary on the cluster by first binding the new cluster column to the Nigeria data frame, then the summarise_all function to display the average of each variables based on their cluster.

Show the code
nigeria <- nigeria %>%
  mutate(PAM_Cluster = as.factor(final_pam$cluster))

nigeria %>%
  group_by(PAM_Cluster) %>%
Simple feature collection with 4 features and 11 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 28879.72 ymin: 30292.37 xmax: 1342613 ymax: 1094244
Projected CRS: Minna / Nigeria West Belt
# A tibble: 4 × 12
  PAM_Cluster shapeName pct_functional pct_nonfunction… functional nonfunctional
  <fct>           <dbl>          <dbl>            <dbl>      <dbl>         <dbl>
1 1                  NA          0.437            0.274       26.8          18.1
2 2                  NA          0.326            0.612       19.5          34.5
3 3                  NA          0.796            0.163      127.           25.4
4 4                  NA          0.466            0.424       89.6          78.9
# … with 6 more variables: pct_mechpump <dbl>, pct_rural <dbl>,
#   avg_pct_overuse <dbl>, HR_Cluster <dbl>, geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [m]>,
#   KM_Cluster <dbl>

Visualisation of PAM Cluster using tmap

Using the qtm() function, we plot the Nigeria map based on their designated PAM cluster.

Show the code
qtm(nigeria,fill = "PAM_Cluster")

Visualisation of PAM Cluster using Parallel Coordinates Plot

We will now visualise the variables using the ggparcoord() function.

Show the code
    columns = 2:8,
    showPoints = TRUE, 
    title = "Parallel Coordinate Plot for the Nigeria Attributes",
    groupColumn = "PAM_Cluster",
    alphaLines = 0.3,
    boxplot = TRUE
    ) + 
  scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE) +
    plot.title = element_text(size=10),
    axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6)
  ) +

Interpretation of PAM Clustering Results

From the above results, we can infer that Cluster 2 and Cluster 4 are areas of concerns with a higher average of pct_nonfunctional compared to pct_functional. These clusters also have a higher average of pct_rural which could infer that rural water points have higher percentage of being not functional. The most significant difference is that despite having a higher average of pct_overuse, Cluster 1 have a higher pct_functional compared to pct_nonfunctional.

Visualisation of Traditional Clustering Results

We will now visualise the Nigeria base map with all the different clustering results using tmap. Based on the plot below, we can generally identify that the southern region are the region that are area of concerns based on their pct_nonfunctional and pct_functional. This result is consistent among all the different clustering algorithm.

Show the code
tmap_mode ("plot")
HC_Clust <- tm_shape (nigeria) +
          title = "Hierarchical Cluster") +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Distribution of Hierarchical Cluster by ADM2",
            main.title.position = "center",
            main.title.size = 0.7,
            main.title.fontface = "bold",
            legend.height = 0.45, 
            legend.width = 0.35,
            frame = TRUE) +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5)

K_Clust <- tm_shape (nigeria) +
          title = "K-Means Cluster") +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Distribution of K-Means Cluster by ADM2",
            main.title.position = "center",
            main.title.size = 0.7,
            main.title.fontface = "bold",
            legend.height = 0.45, 
            legend.width = 0.35,
            frame = TRUE) +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5)

PAM_Clust <- tm_shape (nigeria) +
          title = "PAM Cluster") +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Distribution of PAM Cluster by ADM2",
            main.title.position = "center",
            main.title.size = 0.7,
            main.title.fontface = "bold",
            legend.height = 0.45, 
            legend.width = 0.35,
            frame = TRUE) +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5)

tmap_arrange(HC_Clust, K_Clust, PAM_Clust, ncol = 3, asp = 1)

Spatially Constrainted Clustering

Clustering data is well-trodden territory, and many approaches apply to geographical data as well. The advantage of spatially limited approaches is that it requires spatial objects in the same cluster to be geographically related. This has a number of benefits in real-world applications that require breaking geographies into discrete sections (regionalization), such as building communities, planning areas, amenity zones, logistical units, or even setting up experiments with real-world geographic limits.

In this section, we will explore 3 different spatially constrained clustering algorithm namely:

  • Spatial ’K’luster Analysis by Tree Edge Removal(SKATER)
  • Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Clustering
  • Regionalization with Dynamically Constrained Agglomerative clustering and Partitioning (REDCAP)


The SKATER algorithm is based on a connectivity graph to express spatial relationships between neighboring regions, with each area represented by a node and edges representing connections between areas. The dissimilarity between neighboring areas is used to compute edge costs.

Retrieving the neighbour list

We will use the poly2nb function to construct neighbours list based on the regions with contiguous boundaries. Based on the documentation, user will be able to pass a queen argument that takes in True or False. The argument the default is set to TRUE, that is, if you don’t specify queen = FALSE this function will return a list of first order neighbours using the Queen criteria.

Show the code
nigeria_nb <- poly2nb(nigeria, queen=TRUE)
Neighbour list object:
Number of regions: 761 
Number of nonzero links: 4348 
Percentage nonzero weights: 0.750793 
Average number of links: 5.713535 
Link number distribution:

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  14 
  4  16  57 122 177 137 121  71  39  11   4   1   1 
4 least connected regions:
136 497 513 547 with 1 link
1 most connected region:
496 with 14 links

From the summary, we can identify 4 regions with only 1 neighbour and 1 region with 14 neighbours. The average number of neighbours per region is 5.

Retrieving the Centroid of Polygon

A connectivity graph takes a point and displays a line to each neighboring point. We are working with polygons at the moment, so we will need to get points in order to make our connectivity graphs. The most typically method for this will be polygon centroids. To retrieve the centroid of each area, we will use the st_centroid function.

Show the code
coords <- st_centroid(st_geometry(nigeria))

Visualising of neighbours

We will now plot and visualise the neighbours relationship for each region.

Show the code

Computing Edge Cost

Using the nbcosts() function, we will calculate the distance between each node which is define as the cost of the edge. For each observation, this gives the pairwise dissimilarity between its values on the five variables and the values for the neighbouring observation (from the neighbour list). Basically, this is the notion of a generalised weight for a spatial weights matrix.

Show the code
lcosts <- nbcosts(nigeria_nb, nigeria_cluster_var)

Computing Neighbour Weights based on Edge Cost

We will now incorporate the cost into a weights object. This is done by using the nb2listw() function and setting the style to B.

Show the code
nigeria_weight <- nb2listw(nigeria_nb, 
Characteristics of weights list object:
Neighbour list object:
Number of regions: 761 
Number of nonzero links: 4348 
Percentage nonzero weights: 0.750793 
Average number of links: 5.713535 
Link number distribution:

  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  14 
  4  16  57 122 177 137 121  71  39  11   4   1   1 
4 least connected regions:
136 497 513 547 with 1 link
1 most connected region:
496 with 14 links

Weights style: B 
Weights constants summary:
    n     nn       S0       S1       S2
B 761 579121 10026.67 62271.18 675249.1

Computing Minimal Spanning Tree (MST)

We will now compute the minimal spanning tree which depicts a fully connected graph with only one neighbour per node. The MST is computed by the mstree() function from the spdep package.

Show the code
nigeria_mst <- mstree(nigeria_weight)

     [,1] [,2]      [,3]
[1,]  284   43 1.0834428
[2,]  284  297 1.5171722
[3,]  297  185 1.0339759
[4,]  185   15 0.8213166
[5,]   15  322 1.3167224
[6,]  297  586 1.3700931

Computing SKATER clustering

The code chunk below compute the spatially constrained cluster using skater() of spdep package.
The skater() takes three mandatory arguments:

  • first two columns of the MST matrix (i.e. not the cost)

  • data matrix (to update the costs as units are being grouped)

  • number of cuts.


The cut is set to one less than the number of clusters. So, the value specified is not the number of clusters, but the number of cuts in the graph.

Show the code
clust4 <- spdep::skater(edges = nigeria_mst[,1:2], 
                 data = nigeria_cluster_var, 
                 method = "manhattan", 
                 ncuts = 3)

Visualisation of SKATER group Summary

Using the table() function, we can retrieve the number of areas within each cluster.

Show the code
ccs4 <- clust4$groups
  1   2   3   4 
430 120 134  77 

Summary of SKATER Cluster

We will then have a quick summary on the cluster by first binding the new cluster column to the Nigeria data frame, then the summarise_all function to display the average of each variables based on their cluster.

Show the code
groups_mat <- as.matrix(clust4$groups)
nigeria <- cbind(nigeria, as.factor(groups_mat)) %>%
  rename(Skater_Cluster =`as.factor.groups_mat.`)

nigeria %>%
  group_by(Skater_Cluster) %>%
Simple feature collection with 4 features and 12 fields
Geometry type: GEOMETRY
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 28879.72 ymin: 30292.37 xmax: 1342613 ymax: 1094244
Projected CRS: Minna / Nigeria West Belt
# A tibble: 4 × 13
  Skater_Cluster shapeName pct_functional pct_nonfunctional functional
  <fct>              <dbl>          <dbl>             <dbl>      <dbl>
1 1                     NA          0.503             0.390       69.2
2 2                     NA          0.725             0.208      152. 
3 3                     NA          0.339             0.389       16.8
4 4                     NA          0.483             0.430       24.2
# … with 8 more variables: nonfunctional <dbl>, pct_mechpump <dbl>,
#   pct_rural <dbl>, avg_pct_overuse <dbl>, HR_Cluster <dbl>, KM_Cluster <dbl>,
#   PAM_Cluster <dbl>, geometry <GEOMETRY [m]>

Visualisation of SKATER Cluster using tmap

Using the qtm() function, we plot the Nigeria map based on their designated SKATER cluster.

Show the code
qtm(nigeria, "Skater_Cluster")

Visualisation of SKATER Cluster using Parallel Coordinates Plot

We will visualise the results using the ggparcoord() function.

Show the code
    columns = 2:8,
    showPoints = TRUE, 
    title = "Parallel Coordinate Plot of SKATER for the Nigeria Attributes",
    groupColumn = "Skater_Cluster",
    alphaLines = 0.3,
    boxplot = TRUE
    ) + 
  scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE) +
    plot.title = element_text(size=10),
    axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6)
  ) +

Interpretation of SKATER Clustering Results

From the above results, we can infer that Cluster 3 and Cluster 4 are areas of concerns with a higher average of pct_nonfunctional compared to pct_functional. These clusters also have a higher average of pct_overuse and pct_mechpump which could infer that mech pump are placed in areas that areas that have higher population to water point.

Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Clustering

In this section, we will conduct Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Clustering using the hclustgeo() function from the ClustGeo package. The ClustGeo implements a Ward-like hierarchical clustering algorithm including spatial/geographical constraints. It also includes a mixing parameter \(\alpha\) that will use to increases the spatial contiguity without deteriorating too much the quality of the solution based on the variables of interest.

Computing Distance Matrix of Polygon

Before we can performed spatially constrained hierarchical clustering, a spatial distance matrix will be derived by using st_distance() from the sf package.


as.dist() instead of as.matrix() is used to convert the data frame into matrix.

Show the code
dist <- st_distance(nigeria, nigeria)
distmat <- as.dist(dist)

Computing Optimal Mixing Parameter

To retrieve the optimal mixing parameter, we will use the choicealpha() function from ClustGeo package. From the results below, we can see that \(\alpha\) 0.2 produces the

Show the code
cr <- choicealpha(proxmat, distmat, range.alpha = seq(0, 1, 0.1), K=4, graph = TRUE)

Computing of Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Clustering

Show the code
clustG <- hclustgeo(proxmat, distmat, alpha = 0.2)

Summary of Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Cluster

We will then have a quick summary on the cluster by first binding the new cluster column to the Nigeria data frame, then the summarise_all function to display the average of each variables based on their cluster. Similar to our unconstrained hierarchical cluster, we will use the cutree() function to retrieve 4 cluster based on the hierarchy.

Show the code
groups <- as.factor(cutree(clustG, k=4))

nigeria <- cbind(nigeria, as.matrix(groups)) %>%
  rename(`HR_Spatial_Cluster` = `as.matrix.groups.`)

nigeria %>%
  group_by(HR_Spatial_Cluster) %>%
Simple feature collection with 4 features and 13 fields
Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 28879.72 ymin: 30292.37 xmax: 1342613 ymax: 1094244
Projected CRS: Minna / Nigeria West Belt
# A tibble: 4 × 14
  HR_Spatial_Cluster shapeName pct_functional pct_nonfunctional functional
  <chr>                  <dbl>          <dbl>             <dbl>      <dbl>
1 1                         NA          0.393             0.393       20.7
2 2                         NA          0.454             0.442       71.4
3 3                         NA          0.806             0.192      175. 
4 4                         NA          0.620             0.232       22.5
# … with 9 more variables: nonfunctional <dbl>, pct_mechpump <dbl>,
#   pct_rural <dbl>, avg_pct_overuse <dbl>, HR_Cluster <dbl>, KM_Cluster <dbl>,
#   PAM_Cluster <dbl>, Skater_Cluster <dbl>, geometry <MULTIPOLYGON [m]>

Visualisation of Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Cluster using tmap

Using the qtm() function, we plot the Nigeria map based on their designated Hierarchical Cluster.

Show the code
qtm(nigeria, "HR_Spatial_Cluster")

Visualisation of Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Cluster using Parallel Coordinates Plot

We will visualise the results using the ggparcoord() function.

Show the code
    columns = 2:8,
    showPoints = TRUE, 
    title = "Parallel Coordinate Plot for the Nigeria Attributes",
    groupColumn = "HR_Spatial_Cluster",
    alphaLines = 0.3,
    boxplot = TRUE
    ) + 
  scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE) +
    plot.title = element_text(size=10),
    axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6)
  ) +

Interpretation of Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Cluster Results

From the above results, we can infer that Cluster 1 with a higher average of pct_nonfunctional compared to pct_functional can be deemed as an area of concern. The cluster also have a higher average of pct_overuse. Cluster 3 and Cluster 4 are areas that are less of a concern with a higher average of pct_functional than pct_nonfunctional.


REDCAP starts from building a spanning tree with 4 different ways (single-linkage, average-linkage, ward-linkage and the complete-linkage). The single-linkage way leads to build a minimum spanning tree which is similar to SKATER. Then,REDCAP provides 2 different ways (first-order and full-order constraining) to prune the tree to find clusters. The first-order approach with a minimum spanning tree is exactly the same with SKATER.

In GeoDa and pygeoda, the following methods are provided: First-order and Single-linkage, Full-order and Complete-linkage, Full-order and Average-linkage, Full-order and Single-linkage and Full-order and Ward-linkage.

For this analysis, we will conduct the Full- Order and Complete-Linkage approach.

Computing REDCAP Cluster

Before we compute the REDCAP cluster, we need to derive the weights in a weights class using the queen_weights() function from the sf package. Next we will use the redcap() function from the sf package that takes in 4 mandatory inputs:

  • Cluster Size
  • Weights in Weights class
  • Dataframe of variables
  • Approach

For this approach, we will analyse with 6 cluster.

Show the code
nigeria_weights_sf <- queen_weights(nigeria)
nigeria_clusters  <- redcap(6, nigeria_weights_sf, nigeria_cluster_var, "fullorder-completelinkage")

Using the table() function, we can retrieve the number of areas within each cluster.

Show the code

  1   2   3   4   5   6 
405 140 105  92  17   2 

Summary of REDCAP

We will then have a quick summary on the cluster by first binding the new cluster column to the Nigeria data frame, then the summarise_all function to display the average of each variables based on their cluster.

Show the code
redcap_cluster <- as.matrix(nigeria_clusters$Clusters)
nigeria <- cbind(nigeria, as.factor(redcap_cluster)) %>%

nigeria %>%
  group_by(RC_Cluster) %>%
Simple feature collection with 6 features and 14 fields
Geometry type: GEOMETRY
Dimension:     XY
Bounding box:  xmin: 28879.72 ymin: 30292.37 xmax: 1342613 ymax: 1094244
Projected CRS: Minna / Nigeria West Belt
# A tibble: 6 × 15
  RC_Cluster shapeName pct_functional pct_nonfunctional functional nonfunctional
  <fct>          <dbl>          <dbl>             <dbl>      <dbl>         <dbl>
1 1                 NA          0.480            0.375        60.8          51.6
2 2                 NA          0.745            0.252       125.           40.9
3 3                 NA          0.291            0.438        15.3          24.8
4 4                 NA          0.457            0.455        18.2          18.4
5 5                 NA          0.831            0.169       401            75.5
6 6                 NA          0.25             0.0625        2             0.5
# … with 9 more variables: pct_mechpump <dbl>, pct_rural <dbl>,
#   avg_pct_overuse <dbl>, HR_Cluster <dbl>, KM_Cluster <dbl>,
#   PAM_Cluster <dbl>, Skater_Cluster <dbl>, HR_Spatial_Cluster <dbl>,
#   geometry <GEOMETRY [m]>

Visualisation of REDCAP using tmap

Using the qtm() function, we plot the Nigeria map based on their designated REDCAP.

Show the code
qtm(nigeria, "RC_Cluster")

Visualisation of REDCAP using Parallel Coordinates Plot

We will visualise the results using the ggparcoord() function.

Show the code
    columns = 2:8,
    showPoints = TRUE, 
    title = "Parallel Coordinate Plot of REDCAP for the Nigeria Attributes",
    groupColumn = "RC_Cluster",
    alphaLines = 0.3,
    boxplot = TRUE
    ) + 
  scale_color_viridis(discrete=TRUE) +
    plot.title = element_text(size=10),
    axis.text.x = element_text(size = 6)
  ) +

Interpretation of REDCAP Results

From the above results, we can infer that Cluster 3 and Cluster 4 with a higher average of pct_nonfunctional compared to pct_functional can be deemed as an area of concern. These cluster also have a higher average of pct_overuse and pct_mechpump. Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 are areas that are less of a concern with a higher average of pct_functional than pct_nonfunctional. Cluster 6 with only 2 observations seems to be an area of concern the highest average of pct_overuse.

Visualisation of Spatially Constrained Clustering Results

We will now visualise the Nigeria base map with all the different clustering results using tmap. Based on the plot below, we can generally identify that the southern region are the highlighted as the same cluster and these regions are deemed area of concerns based on their pct_nonfunctional and pct_functional on the earlier results. This result is consistent among all the different spatially clustering algorithm.

Show the code
tmap_mode ("plot")
SKATER_Clust <- tm_shape (nigeria) +
          title = "SKATER Cluster") +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Distribution of SKATER Cluster by ADM2",
            main.title.position = "center",
            main.title.size = 0.7,
            main.title.fontface = "bold",
            legend.height = 0.45, 
            legend.width = 0.35,
            frame = TRUE) +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5)

SHC_Clust <- tm_shape (nigeria) +
          title = "Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Cluster") +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Distribution of Spatially Constrained Hierarchical Cluster by ADM2",
            main.title.position = "center",
            main.title.size = 0.7,
            main.title.fontface = "bold",
            legend.height = 0.45, 
            legend.width = 0.35,
            frame = TRUE) +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5)

REDCAP_Clust <- tm_shape (nigeria) +
          title = "REDCAP Cluster") +
  tm_layout(main.title = "Distribution of REDCAP Cluster by ADM2",
            main.title.position = "center",
            main.title.size = 0.7,
            main.title.fontface = "bold",
            legend.height = 0.45, 
            legend.width = 0.35,
            frame = TRUE) +
  tm_borders(alpha = 0.5)

tmap_arrange(SKATER_Clust, SHC_Clust, REDCAP_Clust, ncol = 3, asp = 1)

Interpretation of all the Clustering Results using Statistical graph

Visualisation of all the Clustering Results

Show the code
tmap_arrange(HC_Clust, K_Clust, PAM_Clust, SKATER_Clust, SHC_Clust, REDCAP_Clust, ncol = 3, asp = 1)

Visualisation of all the Clustering Results using statistical plot

Before plotting the statistical plot, we will need to prepare the data frame to be able to group the different clusters as a group. We will have to pivot the dataframe from wide to long using the pivot_longer() function from dpylr. Once we have done that, we will change the class of the Cluster Type to factor and arrange the order of presentation (Traditional Clustering -> Spatially Constrainted Clustering).

Show the code
nigeria_stats <- nigeria %>%
    cols = (9:14),
    names_to = "Cluster_Type",
    values_to = "Cluster_Number"
  ) %>%

nigeria_stats$Cluster_Type <- factor(nigeria_stats$Cluster_Type, order = TRUE, levels = c("HR_Cluster", "KM_Cluster", "PAM_Cluster","Skater_Cluster","HR_Spatial_Cluster","RC_Cluster"))

We will use the grouped_ggbetweenstats() from the ggstatsplot package to visualise the distribution of pct_nonfunctional and see if indeed the clusters have higher/lower areas with pct_nonfunctional.

From the plot below, we can see that clustering results from the traditional clustering provide better statistical prove that the areas identified earlier through the interpretation of the ggparcoord are statistically significant. Whereas the distribution from the spatially constrainted clustering despite having a p-value of < 0.05, not all areas identified above have a significant difference in their pct_nonfunctional.

Show the code
  data             = nigeria_stats,
  x                = Cluster_Number,
  y                = pct_nonfunctional,
  grouping.var     = Cluster_Type,
  p.adjust.method  = "bonferroni",
  palette          = "default_jama",
  package          = "ggsci",
  plotgrid.args    = list(nrow = 2),
  annotation.args  = list(title = "Does the Percentage of Non-Functional Water Point Significantly different from each Cluster?")


From our analysis, we can clearly identify the constraint of using spatially constrainted clustering with the areas having not so clearly define variables compared to other clusters. Traditional Clustering algorithm still provide better results in clearly defining the areas. But, spatially constrained clustering will be useful if there is a need to have concentrated resources/limited resources in a specific area, and therefore the clusters should be spatially connected instead of sparse.